
The Size of Impact

Main Takeaways from the European impact investing market sizing exercise

The Size of Impact

In 2022, the European Impact investing Consortium – including Impact Europe, GSG Impact, some of its European National Partners (NPs) from Italy, France, Spain, UK, Netherlands, Belgium, Portugal, Türkiye and Greece – together with selected academic institutions (Esade Center for Social Impact and Politecnico di Milano) embarked on a journey to harmonise and size Europe’s impact investing market, aiming to clarify its dynamics, trends and practices. We worked on establishing a foundational baseline for harmonising data and definitions in the sector, with the hope that it would begin to provide answers that were in short supply and help lay the groundwork to inform decisionmakers ranging from impact investors to policymakers.

This report intends to equip investors, policymakers and market leaders with the insights they need to make informed decisions, align their strategies with global challenges and unlock new avenues for collaboration.



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